Friday, December 14, 2007


This term in Economics, we had to write a paper of about 750 words on any contemporary macroeconomic matter for getting an extra credit. Yup, I did write...and indeed write 31 pages for it ( kya bola re tu... haan re...apun ka satak gaya tha). No prizes for guessing that the topic of this brilliant paper was 'Countering carbon'. In my production assignment last term, I had wrote about the mechanisms of carbon trading in details. Herein , I blasted ( need i say ' no words minced') the very logic behind carbon trading and have made a case for shifting to carbon tax. An absolutely dumb but dear friend yesterday dismissed the idea mentioning that the concept of carbon tax is at best 'HYPOTHETICAL'
What hypothetical...u f$%$&^* crappy idiot...Read this twice, and then if you still consider carbon tax 'HYPOTHETICAL', I'll pay for getting your brain being kept next to Einstein in the museum, but for entirely opposite reasons.

- In the summer of 2003, New Zealand government was considering a ‘flatulence tax’ to be levied on farmers with livestock. (the fart by the livestock consists of a certain proportion of polluting gases) With four million people, 45 million sheep and around 10 million cattle, New Zealand’s animals are reportedly responsible for more than 40 percent of the total greenhouse gases produced in the country. ---So, Farters beware !!! aur muli ke parathe khaana bandh karo...samje. New Zealand has infact, implemented a carbon tax since 2005.

- The Quebec government just announced plans to levy a broad carbon tax against oil and gas companies as a way of financing what it calls a $1.2 billion Green Fund over the next six years to help control the province's greenhouse gas emissions and meet its Kyoto target.

- And the notion is getting something of an international hearing courtesy of Al Gore, the former Democratic party presidential candidate who is now trumpeting the idea of a broad-based carbon tax with his new documentary about climate change, An Inconvenient Truth.

May be the Carbon Tax can be renamed the “Green Tax”, after all Carbon seems much too a dirty word for politics.

PS -The Rajnikant Birthday celebration by TAXI was good...cud have been better if I would have got a slice of the cake :(. I don't understand the reason why 'RanjitHa' and 'SangitHa' and all their brothers and sisters keep on visiting my orkut profile yet never making a scrap...It seems like I am receiving blank calls from half the population of Chennai.

PSS - Congrats to Ratin for taking the initiative and starting the stock tips group...hope it goes full gear in the next term. btw, XLers have already started manipulating the market in a never seen, never heard, never thought manner...Hats off to Captain & his group. Which company are you acquiring next ?

PSSS - M gonna atttend marketing lecture tomorrow ( subject to conditions) after eons of years. I dropped the idea of taking up 'French ' next term...I think I better take up 'English' under Fr. Jesurajan. :)


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Utpal Soni said...

English only please

About Me

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Just another management graduate